Baby girl nursery

I am finally pregnant with a little girl 🥰 I have 2 sons and a step son. My first was elephants with grey white and yellow and my second was dinosaurs with orange, green and teal. My stepson when he was a baby had lion king nursery. Ive always wanted to do sunflowers if i had a girl since they are my favorite but when my cousin got pregnant she said if she had a girl she was going to use sunflowers. Knowing i had it picked out for years. Shes having a boy so its not really an issue. But shes the type who likes to stir the pot and i really dont want her trying to stir the pot about a nursery theme( shes like 19 and very immature but my family always sides with her). So i kinda want to do llamas and cacti since i love llamas. But my husband kinda wants to do the sunflowers and basically say "fuck the drama"

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