Emotional Wreck.

Since I can remember, I have always wanted to be a mom. I loved helping my mom growing up with other siblings, and everything it entailed. Then I had my baby boy and realized being a mom is literally a rollar coaster of emotions and so so much more. Nobody tells you that your heart literally lives outside your body. That everytime you see your baby do or learn something new you want to smile and cry at the same time. That the thought of them growing up breaks your heart everytime. That you want them to stay small and precious forever. Then, at least for me as a soon to be momma of two the guilt kicks in, the constant worry of wondering if I gave my son enough time of just being an only child, the worry of figuring out to divide my time and be sure to relentlessly let him know that he isn't loved any less just because he will have a little sister. My kids are my life and I do not wany either one to feel any less loved. I know it seems overdramatic, but being a mom is so much more than a major responsibility. It strums on your heart strings every single day and with time moving so quickly, I can't seem to catch up with my emotions.