Sleep Problems


I’m having trouble getting my LO to sleep soundly. He is 6 weeks old, but a preemie (He was born at 33+4). My husband and I made it a point not to hold him excessively while he’s sleeping, but he still seems to only want to sleep well when he’s being held. When I lay him in the pack and play, he’s very restless. He’ll sleep about 15 minutes and then start squirming around and grunting. He doesn’t cry. If I hold his hands or pat his back, he goes back to sleep for another 15 minutes or so. I have tried swaddling, burping him in case he has an air bubble trapped - nothing seems to help. I obviously can’t hold him all night and sleep which is why we made sure not to do that so I don’t know why he won’t sleep when he’s laying on his own. He has a hard time taking bottles (he has to have a few feedings by bottle because he still needs fortified breast milk to get his weight up) and he still struggles to eat because he forgets to breathe, so feedings take close to 45 minutes sometimes. He wakes up every 3 hours like clockwork. So between that, washing bottles, changing diapers, and his restlessness, I’m not getting hardly any sleep. My husband has been helping as much as he can so I can get a break in the evenings and take a nap but he is working 7 days a week 12 hour days right now so he’s not available much.

Does anyone have any idea what I can do to get him sleeping more soundly on his own? I’m getting to the end of my rope with the constant lack of sleep