My marriage sucks

I just really need a safe space to vent...

So I'm 22... my husband is 13 years older than me. I am still in school for my bachelor's, I work very minimally and do what I can to take care of the "house". I put house in quotations because my husband is completely reconstructing our house so for the next few years we are living in the garage.

We basically made a tiny house out of it, there's an actual bedroom with a door. We have a fridge, microwave, lights, our dining table, a sink, and a toilet. But everything except the bedroom is all in the same room so things are not private at all, there's no escape, there's no counters, and most frustratingly, we don't have a shower. We just use the shower at the gym which is cumbersome, especially lately since I'm on crutches because of a foot injury.

On top of my husband working beyond full time (like 70 hours a week) because of his new promotion, he is also frequently working on the house. As of right now, the house is just a giant hole in the ground. The structure is completely gone and only the basement remains. He recently found out there is no footing so he is working on digging out the basement and redoing the foundation before the frost comes. I know that is time sensitive and is more work than I can comprehend.

However, I asked if we could go camping for our 2 year anniversary (October 27) and he said no because he has to work on the house. I have also been asking to go camping for a year now and he always says hes too busy with work. Always working. Always busy. Too busy to communicate, too busy for quality time, to busy for sex, too busy for watching movies, too busy to go for a drive. Just too busy. Now there are times where we do things, he does deserve credit. Like today we went to church together and then walked around downtown but this wasn't without negotiation. I had to barter with him before he would even consider it because he is too busy.

I just want a friend, confidant, and lover. He told me I need to get friends and/or a therapist. I want to be married for love and companionship, not for convenience. He thinks elderly couples are so sweet and he can't wait to be old... I don't understand that at all. Why can't we live and thrive in our youth?

We got married 5 months after dating. And this time was filled with stress because of some white collar legal battle he was facing. Now he is still on supervision and we don't have a house and we have never been able/never had the opportunity to live a normal life. He says the house won't be done for 3-4 years. I can't live my life this way for that long. But what other choice do I have?

Something else that really bothers me is when he asks what I even contribute to our relationship? I always just say idk. But what does he expect? He was already in his 30s and marrying me when I just barely turned 20. What much do i have to contribute? I just go to school. It makes me feel worthless when he asks that. I think him and I have two different views of life and what we want from it. But it is too late now. I have nowhere to go, no money, nothing. Everything is his and I just want a break. but at the same time I don't.

I feel like I have given up my life. I wish my family lived here so I can just go stay with them but I can't. I regret marrying after 5 months. I would never recommend it to anybody ever. I'm just really distraught. I'm definitely not a saint or a victim but idk. I want to make our marriage work, I just have no idea how.