Scared that my 3rd pregnancy will result in a 3rd mc in a row.

Michaela • Baby boy born 12/27/2020

For our first pregnancy af was a week late before I tested and then 3 days later we had mc that was early may.

For our second pregnancy I was 8wks + 6days when I started having my miscarriage I didnt pass any pregnancy tissue for a week after it started. The heavy bleeding didnt start untill the day I went into period contractions the Thursday after labor day.

We are now in our fertile week after my first cycle since the mc. I am so worried that when we do conceive I'll just have another. My ob feels very confident that we wont, and that in his 20+ years of practice he hasnt had many that go on to have a 3rd mc in a row.

After the conversation with my husband after our ob confirmed mc. We talked and he was thinking he wouldn't be ready to start trying again for 2 months after. However through discussions today he said he was ready to start trying!!! We had our first bd of this fertile period I am CD 10!!