Does anyone have two children close in age?

My daughter will be 7 months on the 24th. My husband keeps mentioning wanting a second child. I have no idea how to feel. I have always been on board with two kiddos, but I thought they would be like two years apart. He is 11 years older than me and worried about “getting too old” and wants the kids out of the house by the time he retires.

I have a lot of worries. I don’t know if I am being dramatic or not. We just sleep trained our daughter and I am finally getting rest and our relationship is back to normal. I think back TJ the newborn stage and cringe. I didn’t sleep for like two months! I can’t imagine trying to care for a toddler while caring for a newborn. How do you manage toddler behaviors while dealing with cluster feeding a newborn?

My husband works full time and is in the reserves. The majority of parenting falls on me. I would need way more help if we had two kids. What if he gets deployed? Caring for two kiddos all alone?

And the pregnancy. My first pregnancy was super easy. What if the second isn’t?

I also am finally happy with my body. I was a size 14 pre-pregnancy and am now a size 6! I finally feel confident. What if I don’t lose the weight a second time around? What if my stretch marks are worse and my tummy looks gross? I know that is all superficial, but I feel like I got lucky this time.

I just get so stressed thinking about it all. He thinks I am being silly. But I don’t think he fully understands all I went through being pregnant and caring for a newborn, or even what I do all day. He said he won’t pressure me, but I can tell it is important to him. I feel like I am being selfish. Maybe I am just not ready?

Does anyone have kids close in age? How did that work out?