Period talk


I got my period in August. I had it for about 6days it was a normal period. Usually it's heavy on the first 3days. Then I waited all month for it last month. I took pg test like 3 different kinds. But the came out negative. I had bad tender breast during the week I was supposed to get it. And it was like hurting even when I barely touched them. So I was kinda scared that I was gonna be pg. I finally got my period on Friday morning. But it's not like a normal period for me. It's really light bleeding. And my hormones are everywhere. One minute I'm happy the next I wanna choke someone lol. I don't know what to think at this point my first baby I had my period for about 4-5 months and they we're normal periods. And I took pg test and they always came out negative. I keep telling doctors but they always give me the pee pg test and that never works on me it always comes out negative. So my mind is like everywhere because nobody will listen to me.