Is it possible to ovulate whilst bleeding from a miscarriage?

Ok soooo...

Is it possible? I don’t know if it’s all in my head or me just over think everything since I’ve been ttc I’m just paying attention to my body a lot more.

I miscarried on the 4th of this month.

Bled heavy on the 5th like really heavy I couldn’t move out of bed.

This would be my second miscarriage. The first I bled heavy for 6-7 days, then just stopped. This time I just bled really heavy One day and the rest dark brown spotting.

Could I have ovulated at this time.

I’ve been peeing a lot, I struggled to get up today been really tired and now the sides of my boobs are doing that tingly thing?

Honestly I really couldn’t take it if I was as I just need a break from my two losses I just want a relaxing Christmas before I start trying again??

Is it possible I am regular with my cycle 30 days.