

I was 20 DPO according to Glow. I tried using First Response Early Result & digital on 14 DPO but they were negative so I waited.

Symptoms I had was nausea, I was very sensitive, craving water, started finding pop disgusting(I love code red lol), started losing my appetite to all my favorite things, I was also cramping but you can cramp regardless if your pregnant or not.





According to glow I ovulated September 17-23rd.

I BD on Sept 5th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 17th, 20th, 22nd

I started feeling nauseous on September 17th. I went to the doctor because I was very concerned since I thought it was too early to feel any symptoms. He asked me if I could be pregnant & I said it’s a possibility, but I find it highly unlikely. It took a year to get pregnant with my first son. I took a couple pregnancy test around September 21st & they were negative. I knew it was too soon to test, but I had no idea why I was extremely nauseous.

I got my first positive with a equate blue dye test on October 5th. My period was supposed to start October 6th. Every day, I test 3 times. All positive, but 3. (One dollar tree test, First response & First Response Digital).

October 13 I tested with clear blue + Digital. Both positive. Still extremely nauseous. I believe I ovulated sooner because why would I start feeling symptoms sooo soon or maybe it was just a coincidence.

The only thing differently I did was I didn’t try. I tried so hard with my first son. This time, I was like if it happens it happens. I was BD even on the days I wasn’t ovulating according to glow. I didn’t want to stress myself out by tracking.