Very discouraged. 😭

Amber • Husband and I have been ttc #1. Cant wait to have my own little family. ♡♡
I have become very discouraged with ttc. My husband and I have been trying for 3yrs now. We had a chemical back in Feb. We have been to the Dr and everything seems to be go in that department so IDK what's up. I feel like I'm never going to have children. Everyone I know is either pregnant with their first or are on the second or third one. It kills me to see people complaining that they don't want any more kids. I'm over here like I wish I could at least have one. We have talked about adoption but it's really expensive and we can't afford that. I'm currently in my tww and it's killing me. I've had an upset tummy for over 4 days now, my back has been hurting for over 2 weeks, breasts been on and off sore but started really hurting today, cramping the same as my back and hot flashes started this morning. My af is due next Wed and I'm pretty sure she is gonna show. I'm just too the point of being over trying to have one or even expect that it will ever happen. I'm heartbroken and don't know what to do. I feel like everytime I see a negative test I get more and more depressed bc I won't know the joys of being excited over a positive one. I just don't know....... 😢😭😭 sorry I don't have anyone to talk to about this and it's just built up.