Samantha • 👧🏻🤰❤

re there any SAHMs here? I am a ftm and planning to stay at home. My LO is 6 weeks. Ive always lead a very busy life so this is an adjustment.

Taking care of her of course takes up a lot of my time (she does not nap during the day) but in between the tummy time, changing, feeding... I watch a lot of netflix while spend time cuddling her. I know they say enjoy the cuddling, but its mentally difficult because I feel like im just sitting here.

I looked into joining a gym today but they have no childcare and i dont have anyone to watch her while i'm gone. I also looked into joining a moms club. I go to the first park day tomorrow.

How was everyone elses transition? Especially with having one its not like i'm chasing a toddler around yet. I really dony want to take trips into town just to go... its not like i love carrying her in her carseat and its starting to get chilly out.

Any input, or insight, opinions, stories, support??