TTC queries

Kayleigh ⛵ • 20 y/o. PCOS. TTC first baby 🍼👶🏻 since Jan 2019.

So on 1st February my partner and I have officially been TTC for 9 months and I just have a few questions about things I'm taking/doing this cycle, whether its best to keep doing them, if they wont work, all of your experiences doing any of these things etc so il make a list and i hope some of you can answer some questions for me!

1. Since the 8th of this month (the last day of my period i think) ive been taking Seven Seas Trying For a Baby, i was wondering if this has helped anyone regulate their cycles (im usually regular but the past few months my cycles have been a bit whacky) or helps them to ovulate.

2. Ive been using a menstrual cup to keep sperm in after sex, i read up that it helps because sperm will only have one way to go and prevents it falling out, has anyone used this and conceived, how long did it take you using this method?

3. After sex ive been laying with my bum on extra pillows/cushions to keep my hips raised for atleast 15-30 minutes, does this actually help?

4. My boyfriend and I have been having sex atleast every other day if not everyday this cycle, are we having sex enough or too much?

Again, any help, tips or stories will be greatly appreciated, I just really want this month to be our month as I want to be able to find a way to tell my family on Halloween or Bonfire night 😂❤