Ftm induction
Reading everybodys birth stories was really helpful and fun so here goes nothin:
It started with a routine ultrasound on oct 7th because i was overdue (due oct 4th) and everything was perfect other than he was being sort of lazy... 😣 so the office gets my ob on the phone and she says for us to head straight to l&d for induction! What 😨 okay here we go!
We get to the hospital and after a few hours of nst and ultrasounds we find out baby is totally active and healthy and everybody is wondering why i am here. Im already admitted and was schedualed for induction on oct 11th anyways so they go ahead with the induction.
Its about 5pm on oct 7th when they inserted this shoestring i think was called cervadil to soften my cervix as i was not dialated at all. By 10pm i started to feel light cramping and by 1am i was feeling pretty uncomfortable but inconsistent contractions. I tossed and turned until about 6am and we decided to move to the labour room and get set up and i took a hot shower where i was losing alot of brown blood and a few small clots after each contraction. They were pretty painful at this point i was having to stop and breath through them. They decide to check me and pull out the cervadil and im 1/2cm 😣😭
Around 7am we start the oxytocin drip and dr broke my water and the contractions were unbearable by 10am. They were coming 2 at a time 3 mins apart and i was only 3cm! Ugh so discouraging because i was exhausted wanted to sleep and wanted the epidural already but was advised to maybe try and wait till at least 4 or 5 cm. So the next 2 hours were the worst and felt like years! I lost my cool a couple times and cried and hyperventalated and threw up and i was sweaty and ugly and noon rolls around and they check me and im just about 4cm but not quite they say 😥😭 they called for the epidural anyways hoping i would be able to rest and relax and things would move a little faster... so 45 mins later about 1pm its finally in and ohhhhh my god 🤗😅💕
Around 145pm babys heart rate was dropping with each contraction. They have me try a few different positions and at one point im slumped on my knees sitting on my feet and the baby is fine and im happy and laughing and talking away and realize i can no longer wiggle my toes. The nurse says thats normal but i pull back the blankets and my feet are purple! 😅😂😂 looking back its halarious but at the time we were panicked hahaha her and my fiance trying to drag and flip me back on my back 😂 butt sticking out 😅
Anyways by 3pm im 5cm and the baby has had a few more heart rate drops and the dr explains to me that maybe if i were closer to delivery we could stick it out but thats not the case and a csection would be the safest option 😐😯☹ all those hours of labouring down the drain!
But id do it all again if i had to for my sweet boy 😍 im obsessed and could stare at him all day waiting for those chunky lil dimples 💕
October 8th
At 4:09pm
Via csection
My little Leo Waylon Lesage!! 💕😍

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.