Ferber Method Night One & Two


**Update at bottom

Well, we started it. Here I sit in tears as I've listened to my kid cry for 20 minutes. But I think she is finally asleep. We did her bedtime routine: jammies, bottle, and story. Usually she gets rocked to sleep, but tonight, I put her in her crib with her sound machine on and the crying began about 2 minutes after I left the room. I checked in at 3 minutes. Got her to calm down, then walked out. I closed the door and she instantly started. At this point, I started crying too. I sat and waited 5 minutes. Then I went in. She was harder to soothe this time. I got her as calm as I could and as soon as I wasn't near her, she started again. I closed the door and let me tell you. Those next 10 minutes, were the longest 10 minutes of my life. My husband and I sat on the floor outside the room listening to her. Towards the end she was crying less, but still crying. I went in. She was not happy again when I left. She cried another 2 minutes and hasn't cried since. It's been 10 minutes now with no sound coming from her. This is so rough. But I know we need this. 😩😥😭

Night two: she had her bath, got in her jammies, had a bottle. I read a book to her and put her down. She didn't fuss for 3 minutes after laying her down. Even then, it only lasted 5 minutes. I never even did a check in this time since the first one is after 5 minutes and she didn't start fussing right away. She has now been out for 20 minutes and no check ins! I am feeling a little better tonight. Hopefully the rest of the week goes well.