Nursing/rocking to sleep no longer working! Help 😩



Anyone else still nurse or rock their baby to sleep every night? It’s the only way I can get my boy to sleep BUT the last week or so, especially the last few nights, he’s waking up every time I put him down and he’s screaming at the top of his lungs, doesn’t let down until I pick him up. He’s vomiting, jumping in his crib, just not staying laying down. Don’t know what to do anymore. We had tried sleep training a while back and he just wasn’t having it, but I’m thinking it may be time to try again since he’s waking when I put him down anyway. how do I get past this if he’s screaming to the point of making himself sick?! Advice please 😩 I’m exhausted

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Posted at
There is a sleep regression around 8-10 months. I would continue to respond to your baby when crying to ensure they feel safe. I know it's really hard when you're in it but it will not last forever. There is a really good fb group called The Beyond Sleep Training Project. Best of luck ❤


Posted at
Oh my I’m so sorry to hear that! Our little girl didn’t want us rocking her to sleep anymore at around 4-5 months. She just cried and cried and tried to squirm out my my arms so I layed her in her crib but she continued to cry so much she would almost choke 😣 I was lost so my boyfriend tried to lay her down. He just layed her in the crib and rubbed her back. She still cried but eventually fell asleep and he stayed with her till she was sleeping. After a two days she stopped crying and just fell asleep on her own with one of us in the room!