Pregnancy after miscarriages


ello All! Some background here....Im currently 38 y/o. This is my 4th pregnancy. My very first one gave me a beautiful, healthy now

2 y/o little boy. We've been trying for baby #2 for a year. In that year, I've already experienced 2 miscarriages and am currently pregnant again. Today I'm 7w 2d. At 5w I started hemorrhaging and the u/s showed I was pregnant with twins and lost one. We went back at 6w 4d and heard a heartbeat of 130bpm. My hcg count was 31,000 then.

Last night I started have pink hue discharge when I wiped along with mild cramping.

My first pregnancy was so enjoyable. I feel as though nothing, not even hearing a heartbeat, brings me a sense of security that I won't lose this pregnancy. I want so badly to let go of the anxiety, but everytime I think I'm in the clear something happens. Any recommendations or thoughts on how to cope would be greatly appreciated! Thank you