Venting about in-laws... ugh update šŸ˜­


So my daughter came home from being at her grandparentsā€™ house and things were a little off for the day because she was run around since they had to do something for our niece... ok, fine. Well next thing I know, my MIL says she napped in the car today and wasnā€™t put down for a nap, great, thanks. Fortunately, she wasnā€™t a nightmare from no sleep. Then I go to change her because I could smell she pooped and her poop seemed kind of loose and she was red seemed like from drinking juice which I have asked MULTIPLE times (I have even put it in writing) not to give her. She likes juice but juice DOES NOT like her. She ends up pooping again and was horrendously red - like a fire truck. Irritated, I told my husband to text and ask about it. Well apparently my FIL had given her juice... uh why didnā€™t MIL tell him no??? She also told me she didnā€™t have any of the milk or water I send along with her when sheā€™s over there... did she drink juice all day!?! Iā€™m just pissed and fear she is going to be terribly red from passing all the juice. I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m listened to and I clearly ask very little AND include it in writing. I want her to nap and I want her to have water or milk. Husband will just defend his parents but why is it so hard to just follow through with what I ask? WTF?

UPDATE! Well ladies she continued to be red and VERY sore - close to open sores and more screaming/crying. I took her to the doctor and she is on the verge of a yeast rash. I have cried multiple times (probably because Iā€™m pregnant) for my poor baby. I decided to ask for a note from the doctor for all her caregivers which explains not to give her juice. Maybe me putting it in writing as her parent was not enough and her freaking doctor will be listened to. I am so irritated with how my in-laws handled this situation and instead of saying something to my FIL my MIL just ignored the fact he gave her juice and allowed her to drink in and get a horrible rash. Thank you for your suggestions and recommendations. I will threaten to take time away if I feel I am not listened to but it is hard to fight fire with fire and Iā€™m trying not to put my husband in the middle. The other thing Iā€™m having a super hard time with is the fact that my MIL ā€œhates when babies are crying and not comfortedā€ - (imagine how sleep training went with our daughter who is now capable of putting herself to sleep and doesnā€™t need us with her when this happened)... well she has been screaming and crying from diaper changes and just did it for my mom after her doctor appointment for over 10 minutes because she was in so much preventable pain. It kills me.