Low sex drive

My husband has low to no sex drive! We waited until we got married to have sex. The first month was amazing. But it dwindled from there. I feel like everytime I ask I get turned down. So this really lowers my self esteem. I feel like my ability to be spontaneous has gone out the window because I am so scared he will say no. I also noticed when we do have sex I have to ask him to help me orgasm. He doesn't just do it and it seems like he doesn't like to help me along. Iv asked him about it and he said it takes me so long so he feels like he isn't good at it. I told him that he is great at it and that it just is normal for it to take awhile for me. Idk what els to do to help this situation. Sex isn't the only important think in a marriage but it really helps me feel close to him.