School stops selling extra pizza slices, in exchange for sugar


Let me start off my saying my sons school is a "cool" school. Every morning they do "start the day the (insert schools name) way". Which is the kids who come in from the bus get to pick fun activities to do. They also host all kinds of fun events for the kids, which i appreciate. So anyway, my sons school has pizza every friday, and the kids have the option to bring in a dollar to ourchase an extra slice. Well yesterday they posted that they will no longer offer extra slices to sell, but instead if they bring a dollar they can purchase ice cream or cookies.

There are many parents who have stated they dont agree with this switch, and feel it is a ploy to get more "coolness" points.. I do agree that this is an irrational switch, and im not sure why they did this.

What do we think? How would you feel?

Also, i should note, that my sons school district has more low income families, and some parents state that this takes away a chance for kids to eat "real food" that they dont get at home.