Anyone else feeling lonely?

I find myself feeling very lonely nowadays. My baby boy is 9 months old and We’ve moved from one side of the city to another where I don’t know anyone. I don’t have many friends at all, maybe 2 and they’re quite far now, can’t afford to visit every week or even every 2 week... I’m not from this country so that makes me more lonely here and I just feel ridiculous and miserable. I did post in local mom group but no one seemed to be interested and I just feel sad. I’m a normal, kind, caring, funny, young girl, trying to make our life a bit more colourful and busy and getting to know other moms but nope. And what hurts me more is just I am the one that always ask the other one, who always texts first asking how’s she doing and I’m not asking every day, I’m not pushy because I respect other peoples personal life and their time but still I just feel like no one gives a shit about me and I’m going crazy locked up alone. Don’t get me wrong I love being a mother and this is what I always wanted to be, and I’m not planning to go back to work for a while, It’s just kinda hard and makes me sad being alone all the time with my baby. He makes me happy and He’s truly the best thing in my life but you know what I mean. I don’t know how to get out and get to know people. We go for walks and to the shops but that’s it.. :(

And there’s a lot more frustration in me like everyone is doing their degree and going out with their friends and acting all happy and I chose to move here and leave everything behind for my boyfriend, and I feel missed out, I haven’t got a degree yet and no idea what I want. I feel like shit.

Sorry for the rant.. :(