How soon should I test?


Hi everyone! I’m not a frequent poster and am looking for some advice...

I have PCOS and as a result VERY irregular periods. I often don’t have one unless it is induced. SO... I am TTC and my REI doctor has me taking letrozole. So I have completed the course of letrozole (this is the third cycle of it) I FINALLY got my peak ovulation test that I am ovulating. We are following the protocol for timed intercourse. But what I am wondering and am hoping this wonderful community can just tell me about your experiences or thoughts, when would you guys take a pregnancy test in relation to your ovulation date if you don’t regularly menstruate?

One week?

Two weeks

I’m really unsure about how long to wait.

Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated, I am going to reach out to my doctor tomorrow because I know I have to go get a progesterone level drawn one week out. But I doubt they will draw HCG at this time.

Thanks everyone!!