Rectum bleeding

Kelsey • Momma to baby 1 on earth and 2 in heaven ❤️‍🔥

This may be tmi...sorry in advance. I have been struggling with Hemorrhoids due to my morning sickness medicine (zofran) and I was shaving the day before my sonogram and cut my external hemorrhoid. There was a drop of blood from my rectum after going to the bathroom. Then two days later, I went to the bathroom again (number 2) and there was more blood on my butt.. the next day was the same. I called my doctor and she said she thinks it’s a internal hemorrhoid or tear due to struggling to go to the bathroom. I’ve been taking miralax since and the anal bleeding has stopped. Which was expected by the doctor. Just curious if anyone else has experienced this.. or if I’m just really that unfortunate. 😅 I went to the bathroom tonight and it was the size of a quarter and felt like giving birth so that’s probably why I was bleeding 😅😅😅😅