I don't wanna give birth, I would rather adopt

Mikal • 🖤🖤🖤

TLDR: Basically the title

I [26F] do not want to give birth to my husband's [27M] children.

I really don't even want kids, but I told him we could have one or two. I want to make him happy, so at first I agreed to having his kid(s).

Well as we've gotten older I have realized that I do not have the mental health necessary to carry, give birth, and deal with postpartum hormones. I suffer from anxiety, an eating disorder, self harm, and depression. Combine that with the fact I never wanted to be a mom, and I feel like it's a dangerous cocktail.

So we agreed that we will adopt one day! I am 100% on board with this and even kinda excited! I'm a therapist that used to work with troubled youth, so the idea of giving a kid a second chance makes me so happy (we wanna adopt a toddler)!

The clincher is that my husband and I are both only children, and tonight his parents were talking about how cute our kids would be based on the physical characteristics we both posses.

It made me think, "Am I being selfish?"

Btw: we haven't told his parents about the adoption plan because he knows they will have a hard time with it. My mom won't, she tried to adopt before she had me and it fell through.

What do y'all think?