Baby group politics

I go to a baby and toddler group, which is quite small with only 6 of us that go regularly, half have babies between 6-12months and the other half have babies from 18+months and we tend to naturally segregate according to that. One mother (first baby around 20 months old) has just had another baby who is around 3 months old, but she has and still does come across as a “know it all” type, a “stay at home princess” and pulls funny faces at other Mums whose babies starts crying too loud or looks at my child funnily when it’s indifferent to how her child behaves. She comes across as entitled and above us... it’s not an in your face attitude, but a subtle thing. Her demeanour has made me feel insecure. I almost feel as though I need to show her that actually “I’m above the standard you have judged me at and you have no right to judge me or my child” (who is 7 months old).

Surely it’s common sense to not be this way? It confuses me further when I see that she has actual Mum friends... perhaps I’m reading too much into it and it’s only towards me and my child that she is weird with... I don’t know.... perhaps someone can relate 🤷🏻‍♀️.