My boyfriend won’t stop calling me a dumbass


The first time he called me dumbass was during a fight. Since then he’s called me it ‘jokingly’ he claims about three times. Last night we were texting and talking about my trip studying abroad as he asked how long it was. I could tell he was upset that I was leaving so I said “it could be worse I could be gone all summer” and he responded “lmao what?? You’re the dumbass that signed up for it.” And that really. Hurt. My feelings. He’s never been supportive about it and that just hurt me even more. So I said “I really don’t like when you call me that.” And he relied “I mean just look at what you said.” I opened it and didn’t respond. He said “so you’re not going to respond huh.” And in another text he said “goodnight”

Ive not heard from him since hes said goodnight. Please don’t be harsh, please give me friendly advice on what to do. I’d really appreciate it.


I texted him this-

I figured you were upset about me leaving from your reaction to me getting accepted. So I said it could be worse to make you feel better about it- that I could be gone all summer. You really hurt me last night. You know that when you call me that it makes me upset. Stop using it. It’s really. really. hurtful to me. And you actually meant what you said.

And it’s 1pm and he’s still not responded or looked at my text.