Should I be concerned?


We just had my son's 6 month check up/shots. I know we are a bit late as he is about 7 1/2 months now. We moved to a new city so it was hard scheduling him in.

However, my son is doing well as per the doctor. He is growing fine but his weight is a little less than he would like. He suggested adding more fat to his meals so we are going to definitely be doing that. His doctor said he can tell a baby is growing on track based on their head circumference which he is on track for thankfully.

My son nurses about 10-12 times a day and has two meals which consists of a variety of foods. However, we haven't been implementing enough fats like avocado, eggs etc. For no particular reason other than we just never thought of it!

I feel super guilty and am worried about his weight even though the doctor didn't seem to worried at all. He wants to see our son in a month to see how his weight is than. He also wants us to add one extra meal for him so breakfast, lunch and dinner instead of just two meals. He sttn so I figured he was getting enough food.

FTM here and feel like a failure! :(

***update: for breakfast my son had - half a banana, some avocado and a whole egg. He was very happy and ate the entire meal. Going to be doing eggs every day and some sort of fat (avocado, peanut butter, coconut or olive oil etc)***