8 months pregnant cheating

Im tired i go to work everyday in pain im working to pay the bills no maternity leave so once i leave im screwed the money i have saved im buying a car this weekend this bitch has been saving up his checks to pay the bills when i go into labor at this point ill go to a shelter before i deal with this at least ill still have my dogs he does not like them and once we mive and he lays the bills i have to get rid of them.. Their all i have

This bitch even took pictures of dinners i cooked and acted like he cooked it.. Or out to dinner and just post pics like he is out by himself having dinner The audacity.. Before him i was in a physically abusive relationship but tge reason i stayed is because well at least he didnt cheat or was even tech savy.. I finally woke up and left. But this is what i have been scared of dealing with the whole phone cheating and stuff

He telling other women he loves them.. Asking to take them out to the movies... Smh they say never go threw yoyr partners phone..my thing is if you dont how would you ever know.. They dould be the most trusting person.. Like i thought mines was.. But nope But i had a gut feeling and im glad i went with it.. This motherfucker told this lie to 3 diffrent women i am a fuck buddy he got pregnant and where not together.. So glad i found this shit out before i deliver my baby