PLEASE HELP I need some serious advice/help.


Hey ladies, so I’m going through the most right now, I’ll give you some back story.

I got off of my birth control that I had been on for 1 year 2 months ago, so in the beginning of August it was the Nuva ring, I originally took it out because I felt like it was causing me to have a lot of negative side affects, me and my fiancée were not using another source of protection during me not having the Nuva ring in.

I have tracked my cycles and every period after I took the Nuva ring out was on time and completely normal, well this month is different, in September I had my period normally, and was supposed to ovulate on the 25th, me and my fiancée were going at it around that time, I immediately starting taking tests, I started at 7 dpo which was October 1st, I got nothing but negatives, so I just assumed I was out. I went and bought some ovulation tests, and decided to take one on the 5th of October to see how well they worked. Welp it was freaking positive and I just thought “oh no that is impossible”. Then found out they can pick up on hcg? But an hcg test would pick up on it before an opk, so I just kept testing for hcg and ignored the ovulation test. FAST FORWARD TO NOW, I’m freaking 20 dpo according to glow with no positive, but yesterday had the weirdest pinkish rusty colored spotting that stopped like 5 mins after it happened. And so I started looking it up of course and found out it could be possible implantation bleeding?! But how? . Well that opk I took on the 5th what if that was actually when I was ovulating, they say implantation bleeding occurs around 9dpo, yesterday on oct 15th I would’ve been 10 dpo if going off of me ovulating on the 5th, still no positive test? No period?! Oh well apparently hcg tests take 2-4 days after implantation To show up on a test.. I’m so lost, I’ve been so confused as to why no period no positive and I think I just found the answer . I wish I would’ve payed attention to that ovulation test, because I spent probably more than $150 on pregnancy tests this month. Please shoot me some advice or similar story’s, I feel like I’m driving myself crazy.