Dear Professor,

I asked several people. I talked with three people at the library and I talked with you. And the best source I had was one single book. I even asked the stupid Facebook group for the class and absolutely no one answered. Believe it or not there is next to nothing on just subsistence in Alaska, and subsistence of Alaska natives. No matter where I went I couldn’t pull anything on the damn topic. So telling me my report is an abstract is bull. And guess what that’s the book you and everyone else claimed I should look at. The other other provided was not good to me, we had nothing by her that’s helpful in our library. Next time you throw an assignment at students maybe make sure they know where to go for your required resources. Or I don’t know do a workshop cause I could not find a single thing, and if more than one person says they’re unfamiliar with the citing you want them to use idk get someone to come to the class to explain it or explain it yourself BEFORE we turn in our papers for grading. Instead of telling me look up this author, which by the way had no online resources for me to look at. You all may ask did I wait too long? No I tried three different Alaska native cultural groups before asking for help, and still ended up with diddly squat. Not to mention I had to help, no do the assignment for another student so he didn’t have to do the research himself. I’m not angry about the grade, I’m angry about the comments she left on the paper. Myself and four other students said they weren’t familiar with the style guide we have to use and all she did was throw a manual on blackboard and then tell us what to do after she graded the first classes papers. Then told me that a good place to go is fish and wildlife or fish and game, they weren’t. And that a certain author was good, but we had nothing by her in our library that was useful to the paper.

Sincerely Lost Angry Student