Ftm help with morning wakings lol


Hello everyone, quick question here so my little one is about 5 weeks old and usually feeds around 10 or 11 p.m. and then she actually sleeps pretty well until about three 4 AM. I feed her and I try not to wake her up too much but putting her back to bed in the wee hours of the morning is almost impossible. She'll go to sleep initially with her pacifier but I swear every 30 minutes to an hour if that thing falls out or she wakes up without it she wiggles and squirms and cries until I put it back in and then she's content again for a little bit. Is this normal? I know I'm pretty lucky with getting the four or 5 hours stretch for the beginning of the night but are these morning wakings going to be my new best friend for the next few months? Lol or you think it'll be something that'll pass with leaps and growth spurts? Thanks!!