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Nicole • 12 year old 👧, IVF worked first round! Glory to the most HIGH, GRATEFUL

First and foremost, I want to say THANK YOU to all the women who have rooted me on from the start. Some were skeptical at first when I first mentioned that I was doing a Natural Cycle

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. I got a lot of laughs and giggles (which was fine cause I know my God is faithful)....sorry if mentioning God annoys some of you 😊. Moving forward, my journey has been emotional, time consuming and very touch and go as I have a past history of 2 ectopic pregnancies. There’s always been thoughts that this wouldn’t work. After further research, I went ahead with the procedure. Best decision I had ever made. Retrieved 4, 3 fertilized and 3 made it to blastocyst. We decided to transfer 2. 👶👶 One 4AA and a 4BB. I started testing my trigger out as soon as possible. On 3dpt, I noticed a pale line...I knew it was REAL cause I had tested out my trigger. 4dpt my line was really dark. I started to cry and thank God just for bringing me this far.

2,3, and 4dp5dt

4,5 and 6dp5dt!!!😍😍😍😍

This is when I knew it was OFFICIAL!!! ********First beta was 318 🥳!!!*******