Need some help 😰💔

So I had an abortion about 6 months ago

And at the time I lost my job

My boyfriend was trying to get a new job it just wasn’t the best time all around.

We decided we would wait till we got things situated.I’ve been in the pill since that abortion.

Well I was feeling off n decided to rule out pregnancy. Turns out I am pregnant once again while taking the pill!

I don’t know what to do. We are in a different situation now but it stil isn’t ideal

I just got a new job and so did my boyfriend.

And I don’t know if I should keep this baby.

I literally found out I was pregnant the same week I got the job.

We don’t have a place. So would have to get one. He also has a kid and has to pay child support and all that.

We eventually wanted this but I feel as if the timing is so bad once again.

I feel terrible and I don’t know what to do.

I want to keep it so bad and I don’t want to go through another abortion. Especially when I took the precautions this time.

Ino my family wouldn’t be so supportive because they wer not very supportive the first time.

I just feel like I need someone to give me advice.

What do I do?

I’m worried about not being able to provide for my baby.

I’m worried about being pregnant and getting bigger.

I would just like some honest advice.

Thank you