Baby girls arrival


Sooo I had an appointment at 39+2 and I scheduled October 9th to be induced bc I was so over being pregnant and just wanted my baby in my arms. Dr checked me at that appointment and said she’d probably see me the 9th bc I hadn’t made any progress. I was at 1cm and 50% effaced. Well Thursday afternoon I started to feel very light cramping/contractions. I worked through it and they got stronger as time went on but were still tolerable. I went in to the hospital at 7:30pm n they checked me. I was dilated to barely 2cm but was having regular contractions that were getting stronger and stronger so they admitted me. I took a bath in the jet tub and 2 hours later I was 8cm! I cried I was so happy and shocked. Dr asked if I wanted anything for pain or to go natural. I decided to go natural. At about 10 the dr broke my water, checked me again and discovered she was sunny side up and wanted me to labor on the toilet through 3 contractions. So I hobbled over and did exactly that. I went back to the bed and dr gave me a very small dose of morphine to take the edge off. She then checked me again and I was at 9.5 and she did turn. So it was time to push. About 5 pushes and she came out with a splash! Literally... lol when it came to her shoulders though one side came and then she turned and the same side came. She was called a lil dancer lol. She came out and was blue and not crying bc they gave me the morphine so close to the end. But they put her under the heat lamp and gave her some medicine to counteract the morphine and she was perfectly fine. Also I should add, when she came out the dr looked at us and said she’s a true miracle bc there was a knot in her cord. She’s been perfect in every way so far and we feel so blessed! She arrived weighing 8lbs 6.5oz and 20.5in long💗