Swollen Feet?

Abigail • Recent newlywed, stepmom of 2. Mom to babygirl Parker ❤️

So my feet have been swollen the last few days, they go down slightly after a nights rest but still start off the day with them swollen. I have experienced a little swelling on and off throughout pregnancy if I was on my feet a lot or if it was super hot but always went back to normal after some rest, also since the weather has cooled down into nice fall temps (ohioan here) I haven't experienced much at all until the last few days. They seemed to start swelling out of no where, should I be concerned? I should note that I'm 35 weeks pregnant and at every prenatal visit my blood pressure has been normal. So is this just a symptom of where I'm at in pregnancy or should I be more concerned? #yaypregnancy #ftm