Grrr odd pain & tightness but they dont come together 🙄🤔

So I'm 35 weeks today & have had tightening all day irregular.. also on & off pain in left side lower belly but not always when my belly goes tight... it hurts a little but not so much I have to stop what I'm doing... sometimes my belly gets that tight it feels like my back muscles are beening pulled so tight they could split... My little boy is moving well no concerns there...

Sometimes I'll get the odd pain across my belly or a sharp stab in the back but few & far between...

I dont feel like there contractions but my labours in past have all been super quick shortest been 23 minutes from start to finish... my contractions have pretty much his 3-4 minutes apart & baby arrived within hours... so dont feel to confident that I would know what early labour is 🤣🤣

No bleeding or anything...

Anyone have any ideas what I can do to help stop this? I've had my feet most of the day & drank plenty but no change... so throw your ideas at me thank you 🤞