Happiness, despair and hope in a matter of 48hrs

I had lots of intense cramping for days, period was 3 days late so I took a preg test it was BFP. So I took 2 more and all BFP. I ended up going to my hometown ER for these intense cramps, felt like something wasn’t right. I worried about ectopic pregnancy. Waited 10hrs to be seen. My HCG levels were 246 at 4 weeks and the ultrasound machine showed something in uterus. It was an old machine so I was scheduled for another thorough one the next day.

Went to appointment waited hours to be seen. 2 radiologist and doc said I am having an ectopic pregnancy, they attributed what the previous doc seen to be fluid.

1hr later I was sent by ambulance to another hospital in the city where I waited for gynaecology to tell me the next step, meds or surgery. Turns out I needed surgery because they thought the ectopic was rupturing. Which can be deadly.

Hours later I was transferred to another hospital that specializes in women and birth. I went into the OR had surgery and when I came out they told me they couldn’t see any ectopic pregnancy. They said I have level 1 endometriosis. They also couldn’t see any embryos in my uterus either.

They gave me 2 senarios; 1st I had an ectopic pregnancy that has been absorbed or 2nd I was having intense pain from endometriosis because a cyst burst and that’s why there was fluid in my uterus. In this second option they said I may still be pregnant.

I go for blood work on Monday then Wednesday to see if my HCG levels are going up which would indicate I am pregnant or if they are going down.

It has been an absolute world wind of emotions over the last 2 days. I’m sore from surgery and beyond anxious. My husband and I have been TTC for over 3 years and this is the first time we got pregnant.

We told our moms and my sister but no one else. I wanted to put this out there on here, where I know so many other women have struggled and I was hoping people can pray and send positive vibes towards us.

Thank you,
