Bad behaved little one

Princess Consuela

My little girl has just started preschool (3 hrs a day, 5 days a week). The teachers there have said she has settled in fine and they have no concerns, however, whenever we collect her from preschool, her behaviour is shocking until she goes to sleep at bedtime. I understand this is a big transition for her and I have tried to make it as comfortable for her as I can, but I still have to parent and be strict with my rules. What can I do to help this situation?

I feel like I'm at witts end right now, searching for answers and not having any logical reasoning or conclusion. Can anyone help??

Her behaviour has gotten progressively worse. I've spoken to her teachers, who were immensely shocked to hear this because she is such a 'teachers pet'... I don't understand where I've gone wrong! It's been 6 worse she's been at preschool now, and everyday it seems to up one from the last with bad behaviour 😞