Am I crazy? *Baby Fever*


So basically since I was 14 I have had baby fever so bad, it would be so bad that I would have vivid dreams every night about being pregnant and having a baby. It seemed so real at the time but looked it up and it turned out that they meant change was coming or something so I let it go. The at 17 I was in a “committed” relationship but was a virgin at the time. I just happened to be on YouTube and saw a couple’s ultrasound video where they found out the gender. I literally bust out in tears, not because I was so happy for them but it was because I was jealous that it wasn’t me. I don’t know how to explain it but I just feel like I was born to be a mom and now that I’m 22 it hurts even more that I’m not one. Please someone tell me, I’m not the only one. Am I crazy?