Ferber Method Night 4


Well ladies, we did it. I made my post about nights one and two. Night one in a nutshell was absolutely miserable. I cried while my daughter cried and counted down the minutes until I could do a check in. Night 2, I never even did a check in because she only fussed off an on for a few minutes. Night 3 (last night) maybe 30 seconds of fussing. Tonight, I put her in her crib after her normal bedtime routine and she didn't make a peep! I waited and waited. Nothing! It worked! Our baby is sleeping.

Things to note:

-She is sleeping around 11 hours a night now.

-Her routine is the same before bed every night.

-Due to her sleeping better at night, her daytime naps have now become longer and more consistent.

-We are going to continue all of this and I think start training her on her naps.

*Thank you everyone for the words of encouragement. It truly helped!*