Need advice 😕

So I’ve been going through A lot this past year I have a baby girl with my ex boyfriend who just turned 1 and when our baby girl was born we decided we didn’t wanna be in a forward with me having no family support things got hard for me and I moved in with him and his mom with our baby when she was about 4 months when our baby was 8 or 9 months we decided were gonna work on getting back together but by this time I just became numb and built up a wall with him so I then told him I didn’t wanna work it out with him because too much damage was done during the time we were at his mom house working on our relationship and being parents we were still having sex unprotected knew what it came with still had sex unprotected and now I’m pregnant again with my 2nd child 16 week I’ve been so all over the place I don’t wanna go through pregnancy again even tho I’m kinda far but I don’t wanna go through it I feel like I’m not where I wanna be as far as having my own place and I don’t think I should bring another child into the world I’m working and trying to find a place it is just very hard with no support and I feel defeated and lost but everyday I Get Up Go To work and just keep trying ..a few weeks ago I moved in with him and his dad because my living situation with family once again became a problem my child father is the only one I can turn to when things hit the fan and so now I’m here he is a great father our daughter adores him knows him he keeps her while I work he’s great but besides that it’s hard for us i know we need to separate from each other to grow and to get our heads together but I do t have a choice but to be here if I had my place everything would be fine and i Be Out the way I just feel like he think he have power over me because of the situation and at first he knew I was pregnant was ok with whatever now he bullies me into getting an abortion or makes me feel bad for not having my own place he is making it seem like to everybody that I am following him around and that I want to be here and I don’t I have no one else to turn to I don’t. Wanna be homeless and I’m working everyday to find a place he just treats me I feel like Shit while I’m here and I’m pregnant and through all that I still try to look out for him idk what to do should I continue to tell him that I’m trying and that he is hurting me or just say nothing and deal with it until things change ?