Second half of the night


I know all the reasons why the second half the night is harder for babies than the first, but mine is killing me lately. He’ll usually give us a pretty good stretch at first (6-8 hours), wake up to eat and then go right back to sleep easily - but then he’s up again usually every hour until it’s time to wake up. We always burp him and hold him upright for awhile after the middle of the night feeding. I know he’s not hungry and if I hold him he’ll stay asleep, so he’s not really ready to wake up either. I usually play the pacifier retrieval game for awhile but then give up and just hold him (safely) so that I can at least attempt to get some sleep.

He used to go back to sleep for another solid stretch, just a lot shorter than the first one, so this waking up every hour thing is new in the last couple of weeks. I just went back to work this week and I’m exhausted and it’s making it so hard to get any kind of morning routine established so that we can get out the door.

Anyone have any ideas or tips that are working for you?