Period 4 days late, two-sided ovarian pain, and negative pregnancy tests???


My period is NEVER late except when I’ve been pregnant (both of my pregnancies ended in miscarriage), but I’m getting negative FRER tests. I had the lightest pink spotting yesterday when I wiped, but it was only once and wouldn’t have been noticeable if I wasn’t looking for it specifically. Today I’ve started having some light nausea and minor pain in BOTH ovaries that lasts for about 30 seconds at a time and switches sides. I’m also unsure that I even ovulated this month because this is the first month I didn’t test consistently and the two days I tested, that would normally be around the time I would peak, were negative.

At this point, I’m less concerned with whether I may be pregnant and more concerned that, if I’m not pregnant, something else might be wrong. My life is pretty low-stress right now (other than this) so I don’t think stress is causing it. Has anybody experienced something similar?