Middle of the night craziness

Shanacy • Mama💜 est. 2-12-2019 🎀 Mrs 👰🏼‍♀️ est. 9-3-21

Ok soooo I know leap 6 is/should be upon us.. I stopped following the wonder weeks app a while ago though... my LO has always been an incredible sleeper and slept through the night since she was 2 or 3 months old...recently past few nights been waking once or even twice INCONSOLABLE. Other times this has happened we have given her a bottle and she goes back down. But literally she is crying so hard and sometimes will wake again after a bottle! I recently had her ears checked since I thought it could be that. I’m thinking it’s more just a combo of teething , leap, and getting over a cold but wanna know if anyone else is experiencing similar? Usually her wake ups in the past are easily soothed with handing her a paci or her lovey.. but she legit pushes my hand away now when I try to give the paci. I guess I should be thankful she seems to be growing out of that lol