Uh people hate ADHD Meds?

I just came across a forum online where people are taking a shit on parents who medicate their children with ADHD medication. I was put on vyvance when I was in jr high/highschool and it changed everything for me. I was overwhelmed and failing my classes and depressed. I felt dumb.. like I was incapable of learning. I couldn’t get organized to save my life and finally a teacher called it and I got tested and got put on medication for it and I was taught how to organize all my school work and not be so overwhelmed by everything and from that point on I was a straight A student until graduation. I went from straight Fs to straight A’s. I was also able to actually sit the hell down and focus on things and became really good at art.

So I mean, I’d like to hear why some people are against it. I never felt drugged or forced to take it. I just felt like it uncluttered my brain. I didn’t stay on it. I got on the medication and learned how to stay organized and then was taken off of it at 17. Just honest curiosity because I had no idea people hated it so much?

Edit: I also didn’t add that I was on adderall before I got put on vyvance. I did not do good on adderall. It made me zonk out kinda like a zombie and I told my mom it was “like someone turned my light off” , so we told the doctor and he switched me to vyvance and I was good. So I know it’s not all miracle drugs for everyone with ADHD..every drug affects everyone differently because our brains are all different and these type of drugs literally alter the chemicals in your brain but to me that’s just about finding what works instead of slapping a pill on it and calling it good. My brain was a shit storm and that wasn’t my fault, I just have a learning disability and my brain needed help. My mom is not bad for helping me get that. People should always listen to their kids about how a medication is affecting them. Always.