Restating breastfeeding

My little one is 6 weeks and I tried to breastfeed after birth but she would not latch on and no one tried to help me (FTM) she would have some every now and again but was loosing too much weight so my milk dried up. She’s been on formula ever since and eats perfectly and has put on the perfect amount of weight. Everywhere I go all I see if about breastfeeding, they say they are trying to normalise but actually I just feel like an inadequate mother as I couldn’t do it. I had no bottles prepared the other day as she woke for a bottle a lot sooner than normal so as I was trying to comfort her whilst her bottle was cooling she found my boob and latched on. Only for a few minutes as I don’t have any more milk. That tiny bit actually settled her and she didn’t wake for another 2 hours for her bottle that was due. Is there any way I can bring my milk back in so I can start breastfeeding?