i dont know what it is but maybe Subchorionic Hematoma?

Hello ,

Below the attachment is what ultrasound found around 2 weeks ago.

Now I am 10 weeks and 6 days.

6 days ago I found that I was bleeding quite a lot when I got poo.

I went to emergency room and doctor did quick ultrasound and found baby was just fine, with heartbeat and moving.

He did the pelvic exam and no blood inside my cervix, he took some my blood example too.

He thought that was from my poo or I have hemoroid.

Today the same doctorin emergency room and my family doctor called me that in last ultrasound that I did (3 days ago)

I still have the same thing diagnosed like ultrasound 2 weeks ago.

There is a blood underneath the gest sac I guess the doctor said. And beside the baby gest sac, there is another sac that filled with blood.💔

But the baby looks fine, the heartbeat is going strong than before, baby still growing.

However I still have high chance to miscarriage.

My family doctor said, nothing we can do than just check it by ultrasound again in meantime.

This kind of situation that one of kind (But she sound that makes me more down and worry)

But the emergency doctor said, yeah its true that nothing we can do, just wait and check in ultrasound again in 1-2 weeks again. But he think I dont have to worry it to much because so many many many many many many pregnant mom that can deliver healthy pregnancy baby.

So anyone here has experience like me? Or similar? Do I have to worry?😭😭💔