Is this normal?? ❤️🤢🥴TMI

36+4 and fell asleep around 3 am woke every twenty minutes with excruciating heart burn. Around 4:50 I went and sat in the bathroom because I thought I may be sick from the heart burn and sat there for a half hour and nothing happened. Well i get sitting in bed again and take a drink of cold water and then begin feeling that sick feeling so I grab the bag next to me and I begin getting incredibly sick. It all happened very very quickly I barely had a second to even think.

I have thrown up a LOT in my pregnancy but never this much I seriously couldn’t handle it and was choking and couldn’t breathe it was so bad. I definitely got sick of EVERYTHING I’d possibly eaten the past day. I’m now fine at the moment it’s been about a half hour but is this normal???? Is this just another perk of the third trimester? ☹️🤕 I would NOT say that was morning sickness btw I don’t know what I’d call it besides torture but my SO was there with me and was completely amazing luckily and has a strong stomach.