Those of you that have been pregnant before, did you have the same/similar symptoms as the last time?

Rachel • 27 🇬🇧 Arthur 23/07/2019 - Too beautiful for earth 💙👼🏼 Baby #2 due July 2020 🌈💗💙 Incompetent cervix sufferer and Group B Strep carrier.

We recently lost our little boy after I went into premature labour at 23 weeks.

We’ve decided to try for another baby and this is our first month really TTC.

I’m conscious that I don’t want to start symptom spotting but just curious if people’s symptoms were the same or similar in each pregnancy?

For me I knew straight away I was pregnant with him and my main sign was the itchiest boob (yes just the one 😂) in the world and just generally not feeling right (never had any breast symptoms pre period before so it was unusual for me!)

I’m still about 12 days from my period, around the time I started getting symptoms with my little boy, and it’s my boob again that feels weird, not so much itchy but sort of a weird pain. I think I’m reading to much into it but just curious if others experiences!

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