How many breastmilk or formula bottles for your 9 month old?

L 💕✨ • 🌈 💚 Momma to Nora 01.15.19 | Baby Brother coming 11.17.2022 🐻💙

Ladies, I’m a FTM so I’m just wondering what all your 9 month olds are doing. How often do you still breastfeed or bottle feed your little ones? We are doing solids 3 times a day, sometimes 4 and I nurse her in the morning when she wakes and in the evenings after work and usually 1-2 times in the night. During the day she is at daycare and I send her with three 4oz bottles of breastmilk. She used to take them all but the past couple days she has only had one around noon before her nap. So she has milk, then solids at lunch, then milk, then nap, then solids snack and then I pick her up and she usually has milk right when we get home.

Is this normal?! Is this enough milk?! She is gaining weight fine and has plenty of wet and dirty diapers. I just would be more comfortable if she was having more milk throughout the day. 🤷🏼‍♀️