My life :-/

I’m not on here to be bitchy or to get bitched at or put down. I do feel emotional right now because it’s close to that fun time of the month. But I do need to get some stuff off of my chest. My life sucks. I know I need to make changes to be happier but I don’t know what I want to do with my life or how to make those changes I need to make. I feel lost and lonely. I work night shift and end up sleeping all day. I have no friends and my family is busy with there own life. I have a boyfriend but he is busy with school then when he does come home he wants to go to bed right away or sits in the bath tub. On the weekends when we actually get time to do stuff together he doesn’t want to do anything together. He rather we do stuff alone and separate. At my job I’m starting to slack off and it’s hard to get my self to do the things I should be doing. Growing up my parents were always fighting and telling each other to go kill your self. My mom tried to kill her self a couple of times because of it. So instead of doing things that interest me and hanging out with friends or making them. I kept my head down and cleaned the house and worked. I made everyone else happy and pushed my own feelings down. I tried talking to my boyfriend about life and are relationship and doing things together but nothing changes. I live in a very small town. The closest big town where there actually things to do is a half hour away. I don’t have money to do anything to make friends or do anything. My house is falling apart and I don’t have money to fix that either. I’m trying to figure out what I want to go to college for so I can make more money to have a better life but I cannot figure out what I want to go for. I do have a dog named jack he is my big baby and is the only thing that really makes me feel happy anymore.